Page 3 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1919
P. 3

I. IA!ltrr~.-No letter for ddh·cry ir1 Jnm:th::~ m:1y cxcccq IS inchca in lnngLh, 9 inches
iu wiuth ur G inches in depth, exccRt it \>c Sent to or fronr n C..'ovcrnmont Office.
T,· 1/rr.< s:·•:! i11 ••11t11 Cllrrlr•]•r$ nrr ,,, n.Jmillrtl at rntc .tnr "l'ri111cd Prrpcra."
),<>ll(•r!!, n('w~pnpcr~, priC<'-' CUrr(!fll :tnd book p~du:t~ whic:h 1\TC t11/tolly llllpt!id Will
hi' li:o'•h! ' '' !\ :t:rr.•h:trJ!c r•rrn1l tn Jr•tthh• the prt•Jttit.l r:ltc; ttntl, if lhe!y be in~u!Tieieutly
prcp:tiu. 1o n smcll:lrtte ~'!U:\1 10 :\t the C:cncrnl l'ost Office. J{inJ:slon, circul:lrs, ntcounts, kc., (but not newspApers)
mn~· be prc-p:~id in mone~· insrc:~d of posttl.~C st:~mps; provided that the :~rticles nre
ch:~r•:c:tblc with nn uniform r:~tc or post.1;!e. th:~r the :~mount p:tid is in no case less
th:~n Jl)s. :111d lh:Lt they nrc tied in bundles representing n postage of 2s. Gd. each, v.;th
the nddrcssc~< nrr:mged in the s:une direction. Sn:h ro:til m:ttler must be pres~nted at
a time pre-nrr:111gcd 'litb lhe Geoer:tll'osl Office.
ll. Po.~l Cnrrft.-Pri,·11te Post-c:~rds prep:tid b~· me:~ns of hnlf·penoy postnge stsmps
mo.y ue !lent by the lnbnd Post on the following condilions:-They must not exceed
5~ hy :l~ inchns nor he le~~ lh~n 3} by 2) inche.~. The rit:ht. hnnd h:11f of the fnce is re·
~en·c·tl f11r I he pu.•l.:tl tlircdiuns ~ucJ :~del reM; I he left hand h~lf is :1\'tlil:\'u)e for the purposes
·of t.Jar, ~<~mlcr, suujcct to the following restriclions:-lu nddition to .stamps for prepay-
ment pn•t ~:1rrl~ •uny he.~~ smnll l:tbels showing the ~~:~rue nnu nddress of the sender aud
the nc.ltJn,s•e,·: :mu cn~r:~,·inj:s ?.nd photo;:rnphs on ,·cry thio pnper may be :~.ffixed to the
b:\ck and lc1ft. hnn d bo.lf of the :lddre~s side, prO\·ided that they MC .completel!l adherent.
Ncw~pnpcr cuttings m:~y :~lso be att:~cbed to the and lclt ho.otl h:~lr of the tl.ddress
C:trdt' bc.'lring the ti:le "Pos: C:lrd, ''or its equi,·:~.lcnt, :~re sdmitted :~.t. lhc r:1.te for
printed matter, prorided t-h:~.t they conform to the ~;cocral regulntions re~pecting prioted
papers: if they do no: conlorm tithcr to these resulntions or to tue rules applic:tble to
po~t card; they arc trcattci a.s lcllcrs.
C:trti:> must ue m:muf:~.~tured of c:.'lrdbo:~.rd or pnpcr or such consistency !lS not. to bin·
der. manipul:\1-ion.
Ill. Roof; Pacl..~.-A book p:~.ckc: mo~· not exceed 3 pounds in weight, nor 2 feet in
leo~th, nor 1 foot in wichh or depth, except iL be intended for transmission as a parcel.
Jr. Priutl'(/ P11pr.r;.-Thc nrticlcs ''"bicb :m entitled tn br sent nt the r:1.te npplic.,ble to
P•·i111rrl l'"t•r.c• :~re mo,:Jy imprcs$inns or ~:opie• <)I) :~inrd upnn p:~p~r, p:'lrchmc;nl, or
e:HdU.larcJ. by ruc:ms o; printiu~. lithogr:!phy, eu;T:\\'ing, photo;;r.tphy, or :~.ny o~her
mcd 1nnic:ll prne•·ss e:t.Sy I~ reeognisz.
Thi-" dt•.o;cription includ~ thQ 1tn books (st.itrhcd or bound), pcrioc.lic:~l work~, pnmphlets, sheets or music, visiting cnrds,
address c:~rd~. proofs of printing. pl:~us. m~p~. c:~.t:\logues, prospectuses, announcements,
circubrs. uoticcs, cl!gf!l;;o;s. pbo!OFliJlhs, lnd designs.
Besides these nrlicles, !here some others which, though not printed, are
ndroitl-cd, llS, for iosl.:!.nce, manuscript intended for the press, p:t.pers impressed for
tbc use of the bliud, albums cont:~ining photographs, nnd cnrclboard dra.wio~r models
etnmpcd in relief.

Anything, not being ol glllSs, usunlly atl.:!.ched or belongios to nny -of the belqre-meo-
tioocd nrticle~. in the ""ay of bindinJ;, roountins. or otherwise, nnd anything conveoeint
for their sale transmission b~· post, o1ay also at the r:tte tl.pplic:tble to such articles,
provided it is contained in the same packet.
The products of the copying press nnd type-writer 11re not ndroitt.ed -nt the rate for
printed p:tpers; DOt', as a rule, are printed p3pcrs the text or which h:~s been modified 11fter
prin~ing, eilhcr by baod or .by mc.1ll.S of a mecb:~.oicnl proce.u. The follo\rios imporbu~
e:ccpti.on3 to this rule 3re auo,red:-
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8