Page 5 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1919
P. 5

Rules for forci;::n pnrccls :~nc.l ~:~mple; apply generally to loco.! parcels nod snrnplos
(see pp. 2i, 2S ::m:! 30).
New~pap••r.,, priccscummt, huu~ ,,.i:'l,~l!' pnrr.t,JR tnus~ he pos~ed without 11 CO\'cr,
or in a Ct•l•er open nt the cutis or ~ides so os lo odmii of the conlcnh being casil;• 1oi!lt·
.droiUn for czamino,ion. The mere clippin~: of the cornen; or of Uu; sides of nn envclopa
or other cover is in;uffic:ent. They mnst not contnin any lctt<>r or communicntion of
the untnre of n letter, nor :o.n y~hins that ma.y tujurc lhc t•ffic('T'S 1•/ lhc /'11sl Office u•· the con-
lrnl~ ·•f 1/tr. mnil VII!]S.
lf any lct.tcr or communic:~tion ol :he n:~wn.: of n letter be found in a newspaper, prices-
current., book pnckcl or p:uccl ~hH:tlire packet n·ill bcsurchnrgcd :1.t the unpoid-/cUer
'TOic of poslogc.
1. Any lt> or other m:~il rn3t!er m!ly be registered on pre-pnyment of tbc registrn-
·tion r ec ami po~t..'\ge.

P:~ekcts coutllioin~; money, jel'l'ellc~y or other v:~luP., IIIIMI be rt(Ji.~lcrcd and must be
Jlr"l"IIIlin ~nluc, hut not
ro!;, will IJc linblc tu :1 snrchnrgr e•.JUnl Lo uuuulc the rcgistrntiun fee.
I. CO).!r.t~H TIOI' l'OR LOSS.
2. The for Jnmnic:~ is noL ic:;nlly liable for a.ny loss or inccn\'enieoce v;hich
may nrisc from the loss, damage. rlcl:ly. non-deli\'cry, or rnis-deli\·ery of a.nyt.hin~; eent by
post, nnd he does not, in o.ny circumstances, pny corn:1cusation in respect of unregistered
let.ters. post-cnrds, printed matter. packets, ne""spapers or loca.l parcels. But subject
to tht rules stnted hc•low, he pays compcnsntioo Yoluntnrily .o.nd as nn act of grace in
·tbosr cnscP und in tho$e cnscs onh· in 'll'hich there has been n totnl loss of tbe cont-ents of
corrcspondeucc of tlte iollo11·int; d~~cdpi:ons no~ bci11!; loss due to bre:tknge or damage.
3. The fees p3~·nble over nod nboYe the postnge, noel the respective limit.s of compen-
(a~ion. are as follows:-
Fee 2d., 3d., 4d., 5d., Gd., id., Rd., 9d .• lOd., lld., 1:
Limi~ of ~ompcll:>:.!tiun £Z, £10, £20, £30. £-to. £50, £00, £70, £80, £!10, £loo.
4 Tiwl!:~ ice~ i wl.,,fr tltc ordin:try rr.:;i~ lrn t.i .. n f<•e 2d. The hi~.:hest lllO()Unt or corn·
peus:> tion ••ht11inable ior nu~· one packet i~ £100.
5. Xo corupr.nSA!tion is ~i\·eo in respect of corrc,;pollllcncc compulsorily registered.
Ci. Cou\pt:ns:~tiun in rc~pcct of r:wney of nny ki11tl (r.oin. notes, ordc-rs. chcqu~.s. st:~mps,
&c.) will unly be ~ivcn in those C!'.S~s iu n·ltich the money is c11doscd in one of the Hegis-
tcrcu Lrttcr ru "clopes sold by the Post Office and the p:~.ckel is lend~red for trnnsrnissioo
by T!c~ist erc<.l Letter l'ost. The compensnt.ion jl:iven in rcspr.ct of coin, '1\'hich should
be p:~ckNI in sur.h n wn~· thnt it c:o.nJtot mo,·c nbnut, will in no <:nsc exceed £2.

11.- C£l(.!:RAL R<:i.ot:S Rt:LATINC TO CO~Irt:\SATIO!".
1. It. mu~t. nppe:•r th:~t lhc Ios~ occurred iu lhr. pcJst, :mcl did not :~rise \\'holly or in pnrt
by thC\ f:l.ult. ()f Llu: ~t.!nd<•r. as. I or iusl:~tt cc. fmm illnde!]UIIt\' !:tstcuiug.
2. The comp(lus.o.tion given 'll'ill not exceed the n.lue of t.he article lost. The right is
·resen·cd of reinsta.tiug the coo~ents of an cn,·elope of gi\•iog pecuninry compen-
3. 1n the c:~se of loss of con ten!~ the en·:clope should be retnined for inspection ns nearly
ns possible in the ~t.nle iu which it wns dt>livcred. If eompl!liut he made that the contents
of nn em•clopc luwe been nbstrnctcd the envelope must l>c protluccd.
4. In the of Bank Notes, l\Ioney a'(ld Postnl Ord<'rs, Cheques, Bonds, nnd sirnilnr
·documents, p.o.rticubrs sulncient for their identilicntion lllUst l>c furnished.
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