Page 12 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 12

A to Z Co1lec tion.

                                                                              ADVICE RECEIPT.

     The Advice Receipt Service operated in Jamaica whereby on the payment of a fee the
sender was notified that the letter had been delivered to the address given on the
envelope. Before releasing the letter the Jamaican Post Office noti fied the postal
service of the country "receiving" the letter that notification of receipt was required .
This was usually indicated by applying a handstamp to the letter , worded ADVICE RECEIPT
which was abbreviated to A. R. This brief summary of t he service is only a very general
one and in some cases there were no doubt special arrangements between
Jamaica and the country concerned.

     Regi stered O.H.M . S . cover from the Jamaica Government Railway to New York City which
is endorsed "Registered/Return receipt/de.mandedu and signed by G. C . Gunter, the General
Manage r of the Jamaica Government Railway . The cover is f ranked at 6~, representing
the registered letter rate of 3~ to the U. S. A. plus the further 3d !or the Advice
Rece i pt fee , the stamps being cancelled by Kingston registration daters o! 7 July 1917 .
The cover bears oval "Ru registration hasndstamp struck in black ink and on the reverse
New York receiving daters of 13 July 1917 . The A. R. is in block sans serif type , Smm
high within a single line frame , 9 x 30mm .

                                  0. H. M. S.

                  No. 198

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