Page 6 - Jamaica, Clarks Town - Anthony Wilkinson
P. 6


                             Clark's Town

     \his enve.lope. was .sent to ~'~gs~on at the ~· inl'e.rnal <'a

Oh :Tut)' \ 3~·, ISS3, a("rtv\n9 "°'e"t- day. The front agoin h '

t-hei „ FS I" obli t~ration_; Clo.rk.'s Towh s4~g k - r ing an bac k, Code 1

      A fur'"h~r ~hve..\ope. showi"'g the.. sa.-ne. tnark•""'9s , b ut a H

f..-a~k.1"'9, poste.d ~o "'""'9st-on on S e.pte.rv\be.r l~'1'·, 1gq2.
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