Page 6 - Jamaica PO Guide 1924
P. 6

Dlont post u rds may bM~ amnii labels showing \be name and address of 1 he sender nndl
the addressee: and cngrnvmgs and photographs on very thin paper may be ~ffixcd to th•
back and left h~d half of the nddres.• side, provided thnt they are rom;llrf•/y adhcre11l.
~ewspnpcr cuthnp may also be attached. to the back and left hand hair of the nddross·
s1de. A post·c:trd must .,ot be enc1o"t.d m n cover of un,· kiud.
Cards bcnring the title "Post Card, '' or it.s equivalent are admitted ~t the rlltc for
printed rna· · er, provided that they conform t.o the geoernl' rcgul:ttions rcsJ)rcting printed
papers: if they do not conform eit.bcr to these regulations or t-o the rules applicable to
post urds lhty arc /roofed as letters.
Cnrds must be manufnctured of cardboard or paper of such consistenc,· ns not to bin-
der manipulation. ·
Ill. p,.;,.ted Paz>ers.-Thcfollowing nrc considered as Printed Papers :111d nllowed to-
P~~-as such :-Newspapers and periodi~u.l. wor~s, boo~s, pnmphlcts, ~beets of mu.sic,
v1s1ting cnrds. n<.ldrcss Mrds, proofs of prmtmg w1th or wtthout the relalii'C munuscrtpt,
engravings, photogrnphs, nnd albums contnining photogrnphs, t>ictures drawings, plans,
map•, cntalogues, prospectuses. ad\'crtiscmcnta and noticC3 of vnrio~ kinds, printed,
engraved. lithogrnpbe<.l or mimcograpbed, nnd in general, all irnpr.:,inns or copies,
obtained upon p2pcr, parchment, or cnrdbourd, by means of printing. engraving, litho-
graphy, nut.ography, or any olh~r lltcchnnical process easy to recognise c~cept transfers
and t.hc typewriter.
Reprcdndions of n manuscript or typewritten originnl, when they aT(• obtnined by a
mechanical maniiolding proccas (rhronogt'a)>hy, .\:c.) nre trente<.llike prinll' in order t-o poas nt the reduced pos!: counter of n Post Office to the number of at least twenty copies, precise!y identical.
Printed papers which bcnr nny marks whatever cnpnblo of constitutin[! n conventional
langungc or, s.we the cxcct>t ions specifically authorised below, thosb of which the text
has been modified nfler printing, cannot be sent at the reduced ratenpt>ii<"oble to printed'
n is allowed =·-
(a) to ndd ln mnnuscript, on print~ visiting enrds nnd also on Chr~t.mns nnd New
Ye3r Cards the address or the &>ndor, his title, as well ns any formula of courtesy,
"''Pressed in fivo words nt most or by meo.ns of convcutionnl initials (p.f., &c.);
(b) t.o enclose the '·copy" with corrcct tions nnd additions concerned lvi:h corrections, form, nod primiog. In case of
wnnt of spMe these nddtlions mny be made ou separate sheets;
(c) to correct also errors in printing in printed documents other thnn proofs;
(d) to insert or correct in manuscript or by a mecbanicnl process figures in prices cur-
rent, tenders for advertisements, stock nnd sbnre lists, market <(uotations, trade
circu!nrs nnd prospretuscs, as well as the- traveller's narue, the date, time nnd
place of his inwnded \•isit, and the address a.t which he is st.1J·ing. in travellers'
(•) to indicate in manuscript in ad vices of the departures l\Ild arrh·als or ships, the
date and time of those departures and arrivals, as well as the !lames or the ships
and the ports or departure and arrival;
(/) to add a written dedication consisting simply of an expression of regard on book.,
pamphlets, newspapers, photographs, engravings, sheets or music, and in general
on allliternry or artistic productions, printe<.l, engraved, lithographed or mineo-
graphed, as well ns to enclose the relative invoice;
(g) to ac!d, in manuscript or by a mechanicnl process, to cuttings fhlm newspapers and
periodicals, the title, date, number, and address of the publication from "'hich
the article is extracted;
(h) in forms of order or subscription for pul:ilications, books, ne~·spapers, engravings,
pieces of music, to indicate in manuscript the works requtrt~ or offered, and to
strike out or underline the whole or part of the printed communications.
Address cards and all printed matter of the form and substance of an unfolded card
msy be forwarded without wrapper, envelope, fastening or fold.
The undermentioned articles are =luded from tra.nsmiaaion at the rate applicable to
printed papers:-
Postage stamps, whether obliterated or not, and in genernl all printed articlts con-
otituting the sign of a monetary value.
Blank paper, note paper or envelopes (with or wit.hout printed • articles of stationery pure and simple. . .
IV. Commrrcial Pap..-. comprise all papers or documeDta 'Wfltten or drawn wholly or
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