Page 11 - Jamaica PO Guide 1927
P. 11

LOC \ 1'101'\ OF Dl·.P \RTME'!T~.

~rhe Genernl Po~t OOicc iu 1\iu~;etuu Is ~ittut<,cJ in the l'ublio Builclin~. west block,
1\iug :-;t n·ct.
TnE Circuhtion Branch, ;\loncy Ortltr ~llic~ .. n'!'' Tclr~r.t(>l! Office~ arc lll3in-
tained at the north-west portion or the l'u~loc HUIIdtnl;d, hmt; .!'tr~-c!· fbe Control
Bmnch and t.bc Tclcgrupb Ofli•:l' Ill<\ on thr. h_rst fln?r of th~ l ·uldt!t.:. fhc Parce~ Post
D epnrtmcnt, inclurliug the C.O.l>. ur::J Ucuun~l ! ne~~~ .om~ .''·now housed m the
.new Go\·ernment Buildings (formerly Gnce Dutldmg, ~o .. !:l Olh'tcr Plsce.)
T cr u ~ ul nours of the \Miuu; clc•ttartrnentsurc l1:j Collol\ :-
KINGSTON. G·nl'ral Post O.licc, Circulation branch. :-. :un. tu 1 p.m. · 'Money and
Postal O:der branrhc~. !I u.uc. In :1 p.m., l'arr!•l I>u,t hr~uch, \I "·"'· to "l p.m.; Tele-
~;raph branch, 7 to li Jl.ln.
CouNTnv: All Poslnnd •r,•l•.•rrnph Olli<-c , 7 :1.111. to .i p.m.

ll.\11 ' ~ 01 t>O:> IA(JI_.
____ , __ _ Co'lm>llchL PARCF.u;4
P,\PERS (1) (:l)
(Sample , For each pound
For each Ncw.pap•ro 1
ounce M frac- Sin~te. Hopty t!on Fte. For cac::b c~~k~-~ ~u~~~ r:~~ 2~
t!onal pan paW. two I t"e option of
or an ouuee. t•~o ounero. ouo«S. the Ucpart-
Ono ~nny. One hoJf. OM lhlf· Two· Hnlf·p~nny. One I Fourpence.
pe:nn)·. pc.>nny 1wnny. J)(•nr~ penny(!)
(a) Lctlu& -Xo lrttcr for dl'inwy in Jnrualc,l rnn~· exceed IS iurhcs in length, !)
inches in width or 6 iuchcs iu depth, c•xtl·pl it he &'nt to or frorn :t Go\'.,m:ucnt Office.
Lcl/"ra un! in O}ltn Cllrclopu arc ltct aclmllled oJ ra!cfor ·• J'riultd Papcrx. •·
Letter.<. nei\'SP:lfK'I'S. prices cllrrt~tt, nrocl l.ook JHrkc•~ "hich art' trhdly w.paid wilf
be Lbblc to a surch:tr:;c l~JU11 to tlouhl•· th•· Jlrt·p.litl r:t•t>; "'"'· if th··y are insufficiently
prep~id, tl) :1 surch:t.r~c· e At the Genc:ml Po>t Ofliec, J\ing5tou,J, 11• n.,t·in·u::~rs, :~t·rounts .\:c., ll•ut not newspapers)
may oo prcp~id in "'""l'Y iu~t~:~·l of Jlfl!IOI:c si:I!II)JS; provid!·.l th:tt the :trticlcs are
charr:csble with :m uniiorrn rn J 10.~., nnd that the~· nre ti••tl in bundl!'s rc•pn 't ntiu.L: :c po~tac:e of :.?~. tiJ. each, with the
aJdres't'$ nrrangc,d in the "trtw dir!'etion. ."iuch rn:ril matter mu~t bu prc.~~nted at a
time pre-arranged with thu Gt•nc:rnl Post Ollirc.
(b) Post Cardz.-Privatc post curd~ prt•t,nid by wrnns of hulfpcnny postage stamps
lllny be sent by the inland po"t on the following condilions:-Th!•.v llllt.~i not exceed
51 by .J{ inches nor be less thau I lw 2: inchc.•. The right hand hair or the fnce is re-
sen·ed for the postal direction• unci :~•Id re."; the left hand hnlf i~ 1\\"nibble for the purposes
of the sender, subject to the following rc3trictions:-ln addition to ~tnmps for prepay-
(1) No receipt i• glvcu for pnrc~h ~cnt utder thi• >cale, they are trcnt..-d c, ordinary
letters and •hould be po te
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