Page 3 - Jamaica PO Guide 1931
P. 3

* *
Am 'MA!J, Fon Eunot•E AND AFmcA:-Lctters m~ikd in time for
dispu.tch 011 the Thnr;dn.y plane should reach New York in time to
connect with the fast sknm('rs sailin~ on Sntnnlnys, affording a.
8j to 12-rlay service to t.hc United f(in.e;dom and the Contin('nt
ucp!'ndin.e; upon the speed of the vessel by which forwnrdcd. Th<' same
service is a!Torcled l<'t.trrs forwnrclcd by th<' M on day plane "·hi eh
connects with t he fast stcntn<'r~ snilinJ!: from New Y<11·k on
The subjoined listshows the route> from London to tll<' C:ont in<'nt
which arc now M·nilnblc for the disp:\tch of l<'tt('rs intcnrt.·d for di~pateh
by the nbove-mcntionc Letters should l>t• lllllrk('d in the upp('r ]pft-h:md COI'Il!'r or the
envclop<'s or <'0\'C'I'R, "Pnr A ,·ion (hy air 111:1il) from London or l'hrr-
/,ctltT.• for tmllsl/li.•.•ioll IJ?I air t·J Drllti .~h~11ld al.~·• br mnrkr·d t•t
the top hjt,.hond comrr of //,. l'lll'<'lopc· "by air t11 Dt•llti."
Alii l\1 AIL FOH A u::THALASTA 1 F>rc :-Letter.< for AnMr:da~in ,
China, Japnn, etc. nrc forw:mlrd by :\ir to U. S. Pncifie l'~(('h!lnc:c post.
office for tr:~nsmission by steamer to destination.
Special attention is directed to the fo.ct tlm~ the tmit of
weigh t for Air Ma,il letters is the half ounce o,n d not the ounce
as for steamer maiL
Letters intended for transmission by air must be fully pre-
paid to the extent of the air fee. Thus: n !cl l<'r W<'il!,hinJ!: l'.oz.
nddrPsscd to the Unit.t•d Htatrs, for which the correct po.-!~1!1' i~ 1 / 11 ~
( = l t7t f<'e, Jllus 4u. re.e;ul:u postnge), if prepaid l/7} W surcharged &1. o1· lti cent. anJ be forwarded by air n1~il, hut. if pn·-
paid less t /7~ it woultlnot be forwarder! by air lmt IJ!f stromr.-.
London t.o Pari~.
London to Geneva.
Lonrlon t..o Salonika to Athens t.o Alcxanth·in to Gn:\ to
lln).!:hdnd to nnsra to llnshirr tn Lilii!Ch to .. I ask to C:w:Hbr
to Karachi to Jiydcrabad to .Jodhpur to Delhi. ·
Paris to Pra~ll<' to Vienna to nudnpcst.
London to Brn~:.,cls to Colop:nc.
London to Hotlt•rd:un to Amsterdam.
London to i\m~l('rclam to U nnovcr to Berlin.
London to C:tiro to 1\h:trtotml.
\ F.:tst London to Durban.
Cape Town to Port Eliznbcth f lllocmfon!einto Jolmnncsbnr.e;
Dnghdad to Teheran.
(H:\lcs for lct.tcrs wrighinc: up to 6 01·'· arc shown in following
Tables. Limit of wci1~ht is 4lbs. 6 ozs.}

   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8