Page 2 - Jamaica PO Guide 1935
P. 2

Unbeatable I

HE ability to Jast out the full time ·n
T wor!l. a~ well as on the football field
i• ::Jn ·anvaluable asset.
Success comes to the man or woman watt>
the stamana resulting from on A-1 t~tale
of health and one of the best o•cls
to perfect fitness is Nestle's Malted Milk
token fegularly.
This perfect blend o+ pure milk and malted
borley dehghts thP. oalote a nd build~ ap
mind and body alike. A~ or •nvagourotine
drmir for men ond women ot all o:~ges
Nestle's Malted Milk is unbeatable.


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