Page 2 - Jamaica PO Guide 1937
P. 2


f4ou'T'JJI10PNn: 1\ rnail-rarTying air plnn<' OiC's from Miami,
U. S.A., (via Havana., Cuba) O\'I'I'Y Tuc-·day and 8n lurday :t! 8. 00
:1.1'1., :trri\'n; :tl l Barro.nquilla., Col. on i'~tmt· day:-: a t 2.1!l p.m., arriving at T>.l3 p.nt.

NorrTIIII'll':'ln: A plan<' Oic·s from Ba.rranquilla cvcr·y Hunday
tl't'l \\'l'th<·~ 1:•\· :d 7.1111 a.m., arrive~ at 1\in!!:Sion on th<' :s:unc dn\'S aL
10 0 1 :·.m .. aiul llic•,: to Miami (via Havana) on s:•mc• chys at
10 1:; :un., arrivi n~ :rl 1.52 p.m.
t•:AS'J' AN D \V~o:s·1·nouNn: A pl:tne fiic•s frorn 1\ingslon every Thurs- ~
d:ty :tL ~. 15 :un. fnr Port-au-Prin ce, Hait i :trriving nt 1.14 p.1n. on
~11dH' dny. Rct.nrn pl:tnc lli<'~ frpm P•ll'i-:tu-Princc nt JJOOII on Tucs-

Plan<'s fir dnily from Miami to all points in the Unitct! States.
Lrllrr~ for New York City, N.Y. are due to reach that city at 6
run. on :\londays and 'l'hllrsd.t·,·s.

On p:tg<'s R4-S!1 n. SchNlulc will be found ::;howing the routes and
Li1nr!l of nrri,·nl of air maiiH for the principal ciLies of United Stales,
(';•na·!n., M<'xico, C' AmNicn, South AmNicn, nnd the West I
Indics; nl~o the air Jltail routes of 1.hc London-Lo-CoutincnL services
:n.ncl bryond) which n.rc uow in opemLion.

Aw 1\-IAIL !'On EuaovE AND A~rncA:-Lctters are for·wnrdcd by
nir lo New York City to connect with the trans-Atlantic sLcami}_'S,
n.Hording M 8 to 12-dn.y service to the United Kingdom and the Con-
t.i:Jcnt, depending upon the speed of the ves.c;els by which forwarded
nnd t.hc timeliness of the connexion in New York.
Am lVL\TL FOil A USTnA LIA, Ere.:-Letters for Australia,
Cbinn., Jn.pan, etc., arc forwo.rded by air to U.S. Pacific cxch::mgc post for tt'n.nsmission by,rncr to destination; ::mc.l for Austr:dia by
\V!l.y ah;o of the "~n~h.nd-lurlin.-i\u;.;tr:llia" Air Mail Scrvic~ lcn.ving
LI))Hlon cvcrr Wcdnc.~dn.y :tnd S:tturday.
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