Page 2 - Jamaica PO Guide 1933
P. 2


::ioUTII nou!'n: A n1ail-carrying air plane flies from M iami,
U.S.A., (via Cienfuegos, Cuba.) every Sunday and Wednesday at 9 .30
a .. m., :1rriws at Kinp;~Lon on Lhc same days at. 5.25 p.m., and flies to
Cristobal (via Barra.nquilla., Col.) on Mondays and Thursdays at
ll .30 :1 .111 .. arri\'inp; on tlw same day~< at 5.00 p.m.
NuuTJIImt:l\'u: A plane flips from Cristobal (via Barra.nquilla.)
CV('I'Y l'vlonday and TlnuHiay at 7. 00 a. m., arrives at K ingston on the day~ a.t. .1.00 Jl.ln., and flies to Miami (via. Cienfuegos and. on Tur~day~ and Frida.y~ at 8. 00 a.rn., arriving on the
~anu• rla.n< af .t.:Jfl p.m.

I~A;;T Axn W!,f:'J'HOUNI>: A plane flies every Monday at 7 a.m. for
Port-a·1-Prince, San Domingo City, San Pedro de M a.coris and
Porto 'Rico, arri,·ing at. last-nnmed place at 4 .30 p.m. on same day.
A plan' flic" from Porto Hiro al 8 a.m. cvcr~· Monday and arrives a.t
I llw •·a•f-hound flight.
l'i:.ll('~ !ly dail.v from Miami Lo all points in the United States.
L·flc-r• l'nr New York. N.Y. nrc duP to rcnch t.hni city in lhc forenoon
on We~l!tcsdny:-: :111d Snfurdnys. ·
l'l:oll"" fly d:tily (c-xcrp(. ~undays) from Miami for Canada.
< ,,, pag1·s C.O-HX a Sdtc-dniP will be found showing the routes and
linw" of :trri,·al of air mails for tlw prin<'ipal cities of Mexico, Central
Amni•:t, ~oul.h AmPri1·a. :nul f.hl~ Wc~t lndirs; also the air mail
ronll'>' of I he Lo ndon-lo-Continent servicr~ (11.nd 'beyond) which are
'""" in opern I ion .
. \ 11 :\! An, FOH l•:ui!OI'J•; AND AFIIICA:- Lctters nrc forwa.rded by
air lo Nl'w York ( 'ify to connect with t.bc tmns-Atbntic steamers,
afTnrd;ng :111 S fo 12-day FPrvicc to ihP United I f.incnt. d•·t)('nding upon the Fpccd of thP ,-e~scls by which forwarded.
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