Page 2 - Jamaica PO Guide 1940
P. 2

Pages 109-123.
Delete prcRcnt rnlrir.~ and substitute the following:-


The following nrc the Schedules of the Air ;\!nil Services mnintnincd by Pno American
Airways lncorporntcd .
(Rend down). (Read up).

Rr.turday Wcdnr~dny Thursdrty Sunday
Tur~sday. Friday. Satunlay. Wcdncsdny .
7.30 n.m. i .311 a.m. Lv. i\lin.mi, U.S.A. . . I Ar. 5.10 p.m. 5 . 10 p.m.
!) . 25 l\.111. I !J . 25 ll.lll. I Ar. Cicnfucgos, Cubn L,·. 3 20 p.m. 3 .20 p.m.
!1.45 n.m. !1.45 n.m. L '·· c;i,mfucgos. Cuba Ar. 3. 00 p.m. 3. 00 p.m.
12.:):; )>.111. 12.35 i A r . .l 12.55 p.m. 12.55 p.m. Lv. J< in~;ston, .Jnmnit•:t Ar. noon noon
1 1.4:5 p.nt. I Ar. Bnrranquilht, Colombia Lv. 8. 15 n.111.
ii.ICI p.n•. I Ar. Cristobnl, Canal Zone· L''· 7 .30 a.m.

PUt.:rnO 111C0 - IIA ITI-D01'11NICANA- t1Ar1AI(A.
. ~
(llcad down). {Read up).
l\Ionday. Tuesday.
1\.00 n.m. len,·e San Junn, Puerto Tlico nrrive 2.00 p.m.
9.30 n.m. nrrh·c Snn Pcdro, Dominicnnn lc!we 12.20 p.m.
9.50 n.m. lc:wo San Pcdro, Dominicnnn nrrivc 12.05 p.m.
11.20 n.rn. arrive Port-nu-Prince, Hnili leave 10.30 n.m.
11.50 n.m. lenve Port -nu-Prince, IIniti nrrive 10.10 n.m.
3.10 nrrivc l{in~o-slon, Jnmnicn lcnvc 6.15 a.m.
Am l\fAIL FOn EunOFE AND AFmCA:-Lcttcrs are forwarded by
air to New York City to connect wil.h the trans-AUa.nlic steamers,
affording normally an 7 to 9-day service to the United Kingdom and
the Continent, dcpcnJing upon the speed of Lhe vessels by which
forwarded nnd the timeliness of thn conncxion in New York. (Owing
to wa r conditions, !hi~ SPrviC<' i~ con~itlcrably modified).
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