Page 4 - Jamaica PO Guide 1940
P. 4

28 All! ~!All ..
Srhrt!ulc . f>riucir•l Crlirr of ltrrirn, Crutral ""'' Soul/a Amrrira a11d West l11dit1.
-. --~ ---
(',•unlry. l llnulr (\'in) I rnn.•it. Uny nncl Time nf
tly~. hN.
- - -
An:rntin:t ('ri•llllo~l. llu~n,,_, Aireo 4 ~ I T~oe"(l:\y,Saturll:ly M 11.3011.111.
2. Jl:trTNIIJUiiJ:t, l 0 torl Of 5 2 \\ e.ln~5cl:~y nL!) 30 n.m.
)o;tu•iu, Unt'llo~ Air~~
Aruhn •. tl:lrrrHIII'lilln, i\brnc-nihn, :Ill Tucsrlny, \\'edn~~.r.~y, Frid:cy
1 . \ruhn "L 9 3t) n.m.
nnltom~~ ~ti:uni, f\n .. ,nu 21l Sunc.lny, 'l'hurstlny nlll 30 n.m.f
21! fiunthy, \\'ctlnrscl:ly, 'l'hur!dny,
::;,.lurdny nt n :10 n.m. t
Jlnrh01lo~ llnrrnntl'•illa, l'urt of 2 2 'l'uc~dn~· 111 !I .au n.m.
l'p:dn, 1\rid)!<•l own 2 22 \\'rdncMday nL 0.30 n.m.
:l 2 l•'ricl"y nt!). :jO 11.111.
llt'l ""'"'\ ~linrui, ll:uuillun 3 Rundny nt. 9.30 n.m.
2 'J'hur" Hnlil"b Cri,lllh,d, l.·ol'nr. 2 21 Tue~dny, Snlurdny nL 9.30 n.m.
llrn•il I. lbrrnn i'pniu, lldt·uo
2. Ci••nfut•Jl''"· i':on .ru~n, :) 41 Snlurdny n~ 9. 30 n.m.
Cnunoh :'llhoui, :\l•mtrrnl 22 Sundny 1 \\'edncstlny, Thursc.lay,
Snturc.l~y n~ 9.30 11.111.
Chili Cri ... h·l,:•l, .\ri«·:t 2 4l Tucstlny, R~turdny nL 9.30 n.on.
<'oluonbi, ! I lhrrnn 2. ('ri•tnhnl. ll,mnquilln J!l Tucsc.lny :1L 0.30 a.m.
1I (.'ri 2 ll:orT"n :-l~u .In"!."
Cult:1 "I C'it·nfu.-gr>' . 2! Sunclay, \\'ednesd11y, Thurtdny,
~:tlunl:\y !\L 9.30 tun.
Cnr:ltt\11 lhrrnn•tuilln. ;\lnrnc~ibo,, 4 Tuescl:ly, WctlnClld:~y nL 0 30
Cur~r:1o &.nl ..
Dominic.> n:~ I I )o;:uo I'Nim ·•~ :\IRrori.s G ::\lonthy IlL 4 p.m. •
2 ('i•·nfurt:•"· ~~~~ l'l'dro I 2! Thui"W!Iy, Snturd:ly nL !l.:JO !l.rn. ( 'ri-tt>h:ol, Cun~·nquil I 2 1'u<""d!ly,SIIlurdaynl9.30nm.
C:un•ll•lou~ I. ~~~~ Junn, l'ointc n 2 G! Mond:~y nL 4 p.m. •
2. ll:arrtonfluilln, l'orl of 2 2:1 I \\'coJnc. i'p:~in , l'llint~ 11 l'itre
I. Cri~tuh:tl, (lu:ttemnla :1 Tuesdlly, Sl\turdl\y at 9. 30 n.m.
2. lltor;nnquilln, Cristobal. 2 3 Wetlncsony at 9 .:JO n.m.
c:uniNoonb City
Gui:ann {Brit i~hl Unrrnn•tuilln, l'orl of 20! Wednc8ti:lynt9.30".m.
:-ipnln, C:rorttc Town
Gni:non (Fr~nrlo' AM nho1·r In Cuv<•nnc . 2 ~ Do.
Guinun (!\ether~ I'· A~ ahn1·c to l;nrnm:~ri· 2 22 Do.
l:utd•) ho
12. Cicufufgn~. San Junn. 2 22 Snlurdny nt 9 30 &.m.
!hili I. l'ort ~u-l'rine~ 3 l\londny !IL 4 p.m. •
2. Ci~nl ur.:o•, l'orl·!lu· !· Thun!dlly, Snturdny, nL 9.3011 m.
Prince I
'l'hne fliM G n.m. on Tu ••h•··
I From 3<1 .\pril to :u J),..,.,nlirr.
:From I .'2\lluu.•· 10 21 .\pril
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