Page 3 - Jamaica Llandovery Falls
P. 3

Domestic Mail                                              Letter &  Postcard Rate ld

                                                Street Letter Box Cancel
                 Three cities in Jamaica had street post boxes where mail was collected and canceled with a
                 special hand cancel: Kingston, Port Antonio and Montego Bay. The cancel is shown below
                 left, the index nwnber above the date id's the postal clerk and the letter the hour.

                                                   Kingston JAN 27, 02 to Port Antonio

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                 Forward Letter
                 Claremont AP 28, 02 to Kingston,
                 arrived AP 29, 02.    Forward to
                 Montego Bay, arrived MY 2, 02

                                                                                        Kingston JY 3, 05 to
                                                                                        Half Way Tree
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8