Page 11 - JPO_Guide_1926
P. 11

Letters luJudt!d "Infectious Diseases Notification."' benring rhe signatur11 of ~he medieal
pr!lctitioncr 11nd addre.sst.' or a Loc:!.l Board or lleahb, are admitted free of postage.
Packets nlrs. Bournc, Medical Office, Kiup;ston. 11ro t.o be allowed through
the post fruc •Jf chMgc.
Ex-servicll men of the B.W.I.R. may aend arti.ficiaJ lirnbs free l>y inland p!l.rcel post
w w w w w w w w w w w w
•lddres:;ed to the military authorities al lfp l'ark Camp, CrO&q Roads, or to t.he Technical
School, IGn~ton. The parcel muot b~ clearly rnarketl on rbe outside ''.Artificial Limb
for Repnir ''
Electe ing l!!ttcrs rdating In public business which thuy rzmy writu in tlzdr ufl:ic•inl ~11pacity as
ruernbc"' of lh•· Coundl uud sending tberu tb.rou!(h fhe post free of ebnrge, their sil{llatures
o~~.ntl otficinl d~,lgnation to be plat•"d on the cnv~lope.
LeUer« adrlrt~6ed 111 place» ab~ood Ctlll not 11, Jowked t,,,{ ~!tould he prt·pairl,
Rnt.,_, rt.gardiTI'I Frtmkin'J of Offietal Cqrrur1o11drne(.
1. The envelope or cover of t.he offici(ll letter or other ptl.Qket way be "franked" under
authority of Ris Excelltmoy tbe Governor in either of the following wsya:-(a) By the
impression oi an approved official frnnk stamp; (b) hy the signature n.nd official
desigua.tion of the He:td or the Deps.rtruent, or other duly nut.borisoo officer or funutiouary
on the lower lt.ft hand corner of tbo eovelopo or cover. The envelope or cover must
be superscribed with the words "On RiB Maj~sty·s Sen•ictl."
2. Tbe envelope or cover wust be nddrcssed to the head of t.he department or to a
public officer or .funaliontll'Y who is eotitlr.d by the n.ufhority of Tiis Excellt'nny lite
Governor to receiVe official correspondence free of charge for postuge.
3. No public officer will be permitted to tiUke use of any stamp for frtlnklli¥ leHetll
()I' to franlc leLt~rs without the authority of the Governor.
4. Heads of Departments and all postmastas mW!t exeroise vigilnn.:e to preY"~nt an.Y
abuse of the franking privilege, and any evl!.t'ioo or attempt to abuse the privilege or any
departure front the rules, mus~ be reported, >Yitb full particulnrs, to the Colonial
Secret~ or to the Post.ruaate.r for Jn.mwcn..
5. The fraokiug of envelopes. etc., either by meana of the !ranking stamp or by
signnture, is strictly forbidden, uules• the ~nvPiopes contain at the tim~:< of franking the
offici31 correspondence or matter lo he 1 rnnswittro tbrougb the post, subject to the
!ollowing exception, na.mely:-
Thnt MY written or printed matter prop~rly is.sued in a franked envelope or covering
for circulation among tuerubers of o board or any body of individuals, nnd ior ultimate
return to the offiec of ib!lue, may be passed from one member of such bO!\rd or body to
another in an envelop() or revering providco.l for purpoae and duly franked in advance
by a dulr 11uthoriacd otJicer.
N.B.-A/1 rr.:Ji~lnw.J lrtte>·r, pt>&tr.d by 1/t~• 11uhlic and 111)1 frrJ.flktrl a~ abot•e Je,cribed,
q.ddre&-!ed to /Jet officiulll named abot¥ i11 but/1 lis~ A. "'id B. mtut br prepMd lvilh IM
regi~lrulion fer nf tcuu t•ttnct, tl-'ith llc.e ·~r•'Jtlio" of r•!ristered letters addre«std to tit~ M all4{ltrr
~•J the Gqvrrmnt:rlt Sal'i111/B Bank which art wholly po!IIJgt frc~.
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