Page 6 - JPO_Guide_1926
P. 6


Tl•e Geueml Pos1 Office in Kingston IS siwa.1.ed in the Public Bulldmgs, west block,
King Street.
T1n1 Cireuls.tion Bnmcb, Mon6y Order Office, and Telegraph Offices ~>re IllAin-
cained at the north-west portion of the P11blic Buildings, Kin~ Street. The Control
Br11o11ch 1\lld the Telegraph Office nre on the first floor or the building. The Parcel Post
Department, including the C.O.D. 11o11d Detained Packet Offices, is now housed in the
new Governillent Buildin~:a (formerly "Gruee Building," No. :l:l Olivier Place.)
The ordiunry office houl'll of the Circul1.1tiou .BI'ILiloh are from S u.m. to 4 p.m.; but
the offi~e is opened purlier Or later should the 11rrival or depl.ll'ture of iruport.ant ship mails
render it o~ceasar.v
The Money Order and Parcel Pose Offices are kept open from U u.m to 3 p.m. encb
working day.
District Post Offices are open for the t.ranSllction 11f aU business from i te 5 p.m.

For oaeh Newspl>per•
ounee or frae- Single. R~r>lY t!Qn Fee.
tional po.r~ pald. each.•
CJf a.o ounce,
0118 IH'tlllY· ~ne h~~~ Two- Hall-penny, 1 One Fourpence
peuny.l penny. penny. peuce 1 penny.t
• N.B.-Any publie~>tion. print&d and pub\isllod in tbe Brltlob h\aoda or in tome Britisb. posaea-
olon, whleb is r"'!i.•tered at the London General Po.ot Odleo as a Newspaper, may be •ent to any
address witbiu tbc!Hiand at the loan! ne\Vllpaper rnte of jd fur •w:l BUbj<>ct to portage at tbe rate for" Printed Papor.," i.l". ld· for each 2 Q~. of weiitht.
tNo reL'f!lpt ia Riven for pareel5 oenL under this, \bey trentod ao ordlaaty letters IUid
ohould be posted in the letter box.
(a) C.elters-~o letter for delivery in .Jamaica may exneetl18 inches ju length, 9
inches in width or 6 inches in depth, except it be sent to or frown Govem111eut Office.
utcers sent in open envelopC!$ arc rwt admiUed at rule for '' Pti11led Pap~rs."
Letters, neW8pt>pel.'8, prices current, aud hook pa~kets which ate wf1cUy !l.npaid will
be liable to a surcharge equal to double the prepaid rate; and, if ~bP.y are insufficiently
prepaid, to a. surcharge equal to d1mbl~: the d~ji{;iertCJI
A L the General Post Office, Kingston, letters, circulars, ncoount.~, &~., (but not newspapers)
may be prepaid in money instead of postage stamps; provided t.btl.t lhe articles aro
obA:rgeable with an. uniform rate or postaJ,;e, t.hl\t the amount puid is in no case leas thnn
10s. and that they are tied in bundles representing n post&ge of 2-s. 6d. each, with the
addresses arranged in the same dite time pre-n:rrao.ged with the Genero.l 'Post Office.
(b) Post Card8.-Privstepost cards prepaid by means of halfpenny postage stamps
may be sent. by the in11llld on the following conditions:-They must not exceed
~ by -tt inches nor be less than 4 by 2i inches. The right hand half of the face is re-
Served for the postal directions aud; the left hand bnl£ is availo.ble for the purposes
of the seuder, subject to the following restriutions:-Io. addition to stamps for prepay-
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11