Page 8 - JPO_Guide_1926
P. 8


For futb&- detnils couceroing this cla...,;; of mail, :;ee London Post Office C:uide, under'
"Printed f'aiJ('....-Foreil(•1."
(dl Commercial Papers comprise ntl papeos and all documents, whether writin191 01·
drawiug~;, proclut•~tl wholly or partly IJ.v huutl. not ht"'in~ rh~ chnracter of an actn11l and
personul aorresponucm!!·. such as open fpt!~rs, und out-of-date p~'st cnrd~ which have
alrel\tly fultillr-d thdr odgioal purpol't'. pnr<:r~ of legnl procedur~. document" uf all llindo
drawn up by nuh'ic luuction!lrics. w~:" hills or h:Jir; <'f huiin~, invoic·e~, r~rlniu documents
w w w w w w w w w w w w copies of or c~trnns from dred.• under private set1l written on
of insunuar.r coU1Jllulie•.
stanrpt-t.l or un~l.ampNl paper, n•usi•·:.l scnr-<>~ or ~ht scripts or wHrks or nf new~papets forwurded "eJ>!ItHtrlv. puril8' l'"errises in ori!tina.l o.-
with corrrction•, b•tl without uny nott: ll'hi~h does r1of relute dire~tly l" the execution
of th" INtk.
A local psrket of "Printed" or "Con•mardal" Pnp~rs m~>y 110t e.~ceed 3 pounds io
weight, nor 2 l~t in length, nor I foot in width or drpth, except it be intended for trans-
mission as u purc~l.
The Inland rate of postage ou "Printed ''aml on'' Commcrujsl" l'>1pero is the Sllme, vU :-
!d. fur eauh 2 Ot. but lor loreign mail the rate differs. Seep. 22.
(e) Parcels.- Under scale (1) .. parcel ma.y not exceed Jib. in weight, 2 feet m leug~t.
nor 1 foot iu width or depth. (V uder tuis acAle the postage is l d. tor each 2oz.)
Under ~cale (2) a parcel way not exce~d lllbs. in weight nor 1,000 cubic inches in
aize, three feet. in length and 1 fooL in width or depth. (lluder this sr.nle the postag&
is 4d. per lb.)
Rules for the tnode or paok.iug, &c. of jnland pllr~els and samples, ttre HICI)tical witb
tbosr. relating to foreign parcels r.od samples. Seep. ~3.
Newspapers, pricel! cUrrent, book packet~ ~~ond parcels must be posted -without L\ covor,
orin a cover open at the ends or sides ~o tM to adtt1il of tltr conlen/s hl-irtg (urily withtiro.w7l 1
for ~aminlion. The mere clipping of the corners or or the sides of an envelope or otber
cover is insufficient.. They must DOt contain any letter or coutmunication of the nnture
of a letter, nor tw, that rno,y inJure U1e ,,giccN of lhe PoHt Office 111' lht CO?tlenu of
fJ1~ m ail ba{/B •
.U auy JeLter Or t•ornmnnjcation of the 1111\Ure of 11. let,ter be fOUOU in 1> MWSpaper, prices.
curreut, l>ook packet or parcE'I, the entire packet will be surcharged at lilt• ut• paid lctt!IT
rot DEG15TRATION (lnlund).•
AJly letter or other mail mntter rnu.y he registert-d no prepayment o£ the regil!tratioPI
fee a.nJ pos~agc. l'ackets {'QD!Jiioing money, jewelleryt, or o!hcr value, Wtt.dl be re!(i&·
tered and mw;t h~ prepaid at the leUt;· rul.: nf posla(Jt. Any packet. fomtd to ••alur.
but not registered, will be liu.hle ton surrhnrge equal to douule the registration fee.
A letter ffi\1•1 11(1( he llCCt>pletl (nr rPL.'is!rf.IIC)n unless tr is r .. wrft'CI wdrr. \registered fllilten~:d with g111.nrned Jll&.per rnn only he •• cc~[ltP acr The fees payublu ovf'r tWd AhovE' tbe postnge, and the rll.spel•ttve limits of compen-
sa.tion, are as follows:-
Fee .. .• 2J., 3d.. 4<1., 5d., tld., 7d., 8(1., \)J., 10d., tld., llr,
Limit of compc.usatiou £~ . .£10. £zo, £so. J.:-to, £50, £oo, £7o, tso, too, £100.
These fees inrlrlllt tLu orumnry registration iee 2u. Tho hight:St .. ruount of com•
pensation obtaiuuule for any one puckf'l ia £100.
I. Tbe Postmll;ller for Jamaica. is not legn.Jly liable for any loss or inMnveniencc wlucb.
may arise from tbe lo~;~;, delay, Don-Jielivl!l'y, or nllil~elil"ery of unyth:iog sent by
post, 4Dd he do~.s not, in any circumstances, pny eompl!.ll--atioo in respect of unregistered
letten~, po~t-cn.rds, prinl.ed matter, packets, newspapers or local parcels. But subject
to the rules stated hdow, he pays compensatiou voluntarily a.ud o.s an aet of grace io
those cases and in those cases only in which there ho.s been a total loss of the contents o(
correspondence of the foUowing descriptiollt! oot being loSB due to breakage or damuge.
2. No compe~~ation is given in respec~ ot correspondence conlpulsorily regjstef"L..!.
• Coudltioos~:overnioJr l't'gistr .. tion ol inland correspondence d!l{or from those ~overnilur flt'llt ,(lrt
cor""'l>lndence. See p. 24.
t For ruU dalln.llion or "jewelletl~'. ,... p. 7
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