Page 14 - Atmore_PH_QV
P. 14

                                               Land of \Vood and \'V'atcr

               Like its predecessors, the %d Book Post rate of 1861 was subject to certain restrictions.  To be eligible
                  for the reduced rate, newspapers, for example, bad to be dispatched within 1 S days of the date of
                   publication, and printed papers were subject to weight limits (up to 16oz, per the rate of 1843).

                 Items that did not comply or included ineligible materials, such as a letter, were charged at the full g

                  appropriate letter rate.  Occasionally, however, by accident or design. incorrectly pre-paid items
                           found their way into the postal system.  One such item is presented below.

               1868 (1-fh September), Report of the Jamaica Mutual Life Assurance Society sent by Book Post from
               Kingston to V ere.  Franked with a bisected 1d stamp, per post office instructions ofNovcmber 1861.   1

                  The item was detained and examined at Kingston and found to be ineligible for the Book Post,
                    presumably because a letter was also enclosed.  The "Returned/For/Postage .. instructional
                         hand-stamp was applied and the item returned to the sender on 18 September.



                 The additional postage demanded (1 Y2<1, being the unpaid element of the 2d inter-parochial rate of
               1865) was paid by the addition of a 1 d stamp and a second bisect.  Dispatched, for the second time, on
                                         2211d September, aniving the following day.
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