Page 5 - Atmore_PH_QV
P. 5

                                              Land of\Vood and \'Vater

                                          ~ The Six Penny "Maid of All Work"
                                                                                                           I  .    '
                   ~·               --·~-- ·.v  ,._..        ......                               -
                    The 6d was a very popular denomination, particularly outside of Kingston.  It satisfied the
                    Packet rate of 1860, and also the inland letter rate for 60-100 miles.  When the Packet rate
                      was increased to 1/- in 1863, pairs of the 6d became a regular means of pre-payment.   ~

                           ~ ~~K~~·-~~~,~~· ·~·     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                                Initial printings were in shades of lilac, later in shades of purple.   ~·
                            A limited printing in a distioctive deep purple shade was made in 1870.
                                                                :....__.           'K.'
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