Page 11 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1919
P. 11

D:mish W. Jndics. Dard:mcllcs, Dcnrn~rk nnd FMoc lslnnd, Onrninien, Duleh E. IncHes,
E10·p~, F:~lkl:md J:d:uuL'>, F:mnin'! l~bnd, Faroc lsl:lllds, Fiji, FioL'\od, Formoss. Fr:~nce
null Al~;cri:~, Fl..Ucralcll M:ol:l~· Sbl~. Fricmll.'· hl:llldl<. G:•llipuli G:unbi:\, Gibmltu,
Gold Cua:;t,. Gre\<:C('!, (;r~uatla (W. lwl.), 1111\\':lii fS.,nuwicb ls.), Hollnnd, Hong l\ong,
lodi:\. Indian P.O. A~:cocies on the l'c:r~inn Gult, nnd in Tibcl, lbly, (with S:ro Mnrioo·
nnd n.,'\li:\11 1\~:oncics on the Hell !'en nnd in the Rej!COCY o! Tripoli), JnfTn, Jnpao, Jerusn-
lcm, l\urc:n,!OS (West Alricn), Lc,·nnt (The). Lorento l\[nrrtuc:s, Mndeirn, Mnlnc:Cl\,
l\Inlb, l\buril ius. 1\litylcoc, Montcnes:ro, l\Ion~crrat, i\Iorocco (To.naier onl~·), Natnl,
Nc~hcrlnnds, 1'\e,·is, New 1.\runswick. Ne\'1' C:~lcdonit~, ::\ewCoundlnnd, New South \inles,
New Zcal:IHd, Nigerin (Northern), i\it:crii\ (Son1J1ern), Nort.h Borneo (Brit.), Nor\'l'ny,
Novn, OrnnJ!e River Colon~·. Po.nnmn (l3ri~. P.O.). P:~pun, Pe~~:~m;, 'Persian GuU
(Postnl Agencies on), Philippine b .. l"or((l Rico. Portultn.l, Portu::ucse Colonies, Prince
Edwnrd -Is., Queensland, Rhodr~. llhlld~s. lthod~~b. nourn:~nin, Hu!isin, ~t. Hclen~. St.
Kitts, St. Lucin, St. Thomns, (D:~nioh \\. 1.). St. Thnm~s and Principc, St. Vincent, Stllo-
nicn (British 1'.0.), S.'\h·adnr (Hcpul>lir of) l'op·i:l. ::~ychcllt!s. Si:un, ~icrr~ Lt>oue, Sio~;:~­
aporc, ~uuth A"stmlin, Strait.~ ~ctlrnt1.111s, Rurinnm, Swctlcn, ~wit~<'rlo.ncl. Tan:;iers,
TI\.SIIInnb. Tob:~.;:o, TranS\'11..'\1, Trin!:hd, Tripoli. Tuni::. 'furkl' hlnnds. Us:~ndn Protec·
torn le, t"nitcd or America, l'ru:u~y. rirtori:~. \'n·~in lsl:mds, \Ycst Austmli11, Yukon
Znn7.ihar. %ululnucl.
The tlbo,·c service b:ts been suspeullcd to mnn~· plncc~ rons1.~1ucnt on the Wnr.

The system or Tclr~raph 1\Ion~.\' Orders is in ope~:ltioln beii\'CCn the United Kingdom o.od
Jnrnnico.. The remitter of a Tclct:r:lph l\loucy Order is rel')uired to pny, in addition to
the l\!.0. commission, the cost of the Tcle)lrnrn of ,\ddrr nt the ordino.ry rnle (2/G) or at
the "do: erred" mte (ll:ll per word. rc,·cr~· ·::or I in thc Telec;r~m hns to be paid !or:
in the cnsc l•f n "deferred" Telc:r~m. the in$lruction "L.C.O." is cl11:1rgcd ns one word.
and lhc \\Ord "Postn~t~slcr · · h!'1~ :1l~v to be~~nt in e,·ery car.~ aod must be paid for. Fur·
thcr details mny be hnd from the Chief i\1.0. Ofiit'e, 1\in~stun Oi irom Po.rochi:ll Tren·


The on l." Posl~l Orders sold in .Jornni~e. nre British Posl:1l Order~, :111d they nre sold
o.t nil the l'usl OHir.cs in th~ lslnu•l. The,· nrc a,·nilnt.le for ust~ in the colonr nod in
most pnrt~ of Briti~h Empire. •

Al fhl, l~ ., Is. Gtl., 2.~ .. :?•. liol. ~d.


At 20s. ·!1l.

POST/oC!: ST.\\IP~ A f'I'J~ F.U 'l'tt l'(J;;TA I, OJ:DJ:R~.
The sender nf n Post.a.l Order, whnth~r 11\:ltle pn\·:~hlc in tl.t! Unil.<'tl I where (r.XI'I'Jitin.: C:111:ula). m:1y iut·r·~•~t it..• ''"lur. !,~· nu ncnnuut not exr.•·c·diu,c: :)tl. by
nllixin~ 1'"~''\~c SkuuJm nut cx•~"'liu~: llm'l! in uucul.o:r Lt, tlu.: be:<: uf the: (lr.lcr.
No credit will ur gi ··~n for stnmnl' which arc in ex!:<'~ of three or "'hich Me allixcd ('lsc-
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