Page 12 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1919
P. 12
where than iu the spaces pro,·ided. Odd half-pence "''ill not be paid. St.amps perfor11.~ed
with initi~s or marks, or embossed or impressed at..'lmps cut out of ennlopee, post.-earda,
.&:e. cnnnot l>e neeep~ fur this purpose.

Postnl Orders nre paid at :\ll Po~t Officu 11orl Paroehinl Treasuries in the Island.
Dritisb l'oslll.l Orders are issued and p!!id in the undermentioned British Possessions
·anu other places nbroad;-
Atlcn. Federn~d 1\!nlny Stntes New Zealand.
Andnmao Islands. Fiji. Nigeria N. 6: S.
A~ccnslon Gnmbi:~. North Dornco (British.)
Dnhnmas. Gibrnltar. Nyas:1land (B.C.A). Gold Coast.
Barbados. Gren:~d:~.. Orange Free St.ote.
Dasutoland. Hon~: Kon~;.
'Dechuanaland Protectorate. India and Indian l'ost Offi- Panamn (Dritish Accney).
Bermuda. ces on the Pcl'$inn G~lf Penrhyn Island.
Bcyrout (British Agency). and iu Tibet.
Dritisb Jamnica. Rhodesia (l\. &.; S.'
British Central Africa. Labuan.
:British E:\st Africa. Lee't\':!rd Islands. St. IIelenn..
British Ouiann. Anguilla. St. Lucia..
Dritish Honduras. Aoti:;uo.. St. Vincent.
Dominicn. Snlonica (Bri~i:;h A;e!'lcy)
•canndn. i\Iontscrr:~ot. SliJ'S.wak.
Cnpc or Good Hope 1\e,·is. S:1.vage Island
·Cnymnn Islnnds. St. Kitts. Seychelles.
Ceylon. Yirgin Islo.uds. Sierr3 Leone.
Chn.thnm Islo.nds. 1\Inlta.. Smyrna (British Agency)
Chinn (British Agencies). )IIP.uri t ius. Somo.lilnnd Prot.ectora~ . .
·Coust.:ln tinople (J3ritisb "Iorocco (1.\ritisb Agencies Strnits Settlements.
Agcucy). at Casnbloucn, Fc1., Lnr- Sw:•zila.nd.
Cuuk L!ln.nds. acht', J\!nrr:\kl•sh, i\l:u:a- Tobngo.
Cyprus. pn, ~Iog:u.lor, R:\bo.t, Trnns,·nal.
E~ypl (including the Saffi, Tnnsier, :\nd Trinidnd.
SouJnn). TetU:~n). Turks and Co.icos lsl:\nd!'.
Fnlklnnd IK!antls. l\at.:\1 Uganda.
Fnnnin~: lslGnd. :l\e,vioundland. Znnzib:u.

U an ortlur bG nut. pnid within three months from the ln.>t e'omrnlaaion cqun.l to the ori~:inal pomulnge will 1.>11 chnrgcd. The commission thus pnid
lllWit be nffixed in l'ostns.te St.nmos t.o the bn.e\; of the Order. Postal Orders which are
;DO\ Jll'l*!n~d for pnyrnmtt wilhir; six months from the dny of the month of issue nre
~L p6i ·· ~tnli r ...... Ordeu Ut D>irl >I cert>in Office• in C•n•d~. lrut or~ nut i .. ucd'iR ynad3.
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