Page 8 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1919
P. 8

3: No public officer will be permitted to make use of any stamp for franking letters
or to frank letters n·ithout the nuthorih· of the Governor.
4. Heads of Dcpnrtmeuts and all posimnsters must exercise \:ip:ilnnce'to prevent any
nbusc of the frnnking privilege, nod nor e,·nsion or nttcmpt to abuse the privilege or any
dopnrturc from the H.ulcs, must be reported, with lull, to the Coloninl Secre·
tnry or to the l'ostmastcr for J:unaica.
5. The franking of envelopes, &c., either by means of the franking stamp or by signa~
turc:, ia strictly forbidden, unless the envelopes, &c., conlllin nt the t ime of franking,
the oOicial correspondence or matter to be trnnemittcd through the post, subject to the
following exception, namely:- · •
That nny written or printed matter properly issued iu a franked envelope or CO\'ering
for circulation among members of a Bo:~rd or any body of individuals, nod for ultimate
return to the office or issue, mnr be passed from one member of such b oard or body to
nnother in no envelope or coverins proYided for the purpose and duly franked in advance
by n duly nuthori1.ed officer.
N. B.-All Registered Letters addressed to the above·named officials must be·
prepaid with the re&istration fee of Two pence.
Letter boxes are t.o If~ found at the followinp; plnccs in Kin~:ston r111d Lower St.
Andrew. (The tirnes at which th~y are cleared are stn.t~·d on cnch).
1. lGng r111d North 8 trr11fs 22. Smit.l1 Villngc, Perr-y nnd W .~llington St.s.
2. Colonial Secretary 's Ollice 23. Carnpucll Town, J ,ivcrp()ol nnd IInmpton
3. Charles nnd ~tn·cts Streets.
4. Kingston Gardens 24. 1\. oodford Park
5. Fire Brigade Station 2.5. Duke aud Hnrbour Streets
0. Jnmnicn Club 26. 11nnehester Square, South T!.n.ce Course
2i. Lnws aud East Streets
7. Torrington Bridge 2'\. Jlnnnnh St. and Rose Lnoe
8. Allmnn Town Constabul:lry Station 29. Arnold Road, north of Connollr Avenue
9. South Camp Roo.d nPar North Street 30. Studley Park Road
31. South Camp Road Hotel
10. Ilip:hho\born & LRws f:tre<'Ls 32. Mnrcscnux Rond and Club Lane
11. Pnrk l.odp;c :0:3. Corner of Hope Rond and O:dord Road
\'l, l\t,\Wil':\ T''"'" ('.,n~t~hnbr:; S.tntinn ~~. Hl'lirl'm!'nl Tlc-:td n<':tr TII'Iir~m('nl Pro
13. Tower St.n.'l't & Ellctson Hond 35. I\nutsfonll'nrk Gnl~
14. Marine Gnrdcns 3G. Kinf<'& House Ga.te
15. SpnuiRh Town H.o1\d ru11l Hccston :-:t 3i. BeLl ford l'nrk Gate on the Con~lnnt
16. Parade, by Pnrisl1 Church Sprinp: Line ncnr Snndy Gully
1 i. Princees & Ilnrbour :-t~. 3S. T3:ubicnn Rond
18. Princess o.nd \Ycsl Qnt•cn ;.;trccto 3!l. Pnpiuc Corner
l!l. Gnrdncr'e, Hnrbour S!.rcct 40. Brentford and Curphey Roads
~0. Omn~c nnd Chnrlcs Street.~ 41. Grove nnd Central Ron.ds, Kencot Ln.nds
21. Frnnkli11 Town Police Station 4.2. j\ l nli nc~ Hoad & T:•rranl Lnnc
Letter noxcs hnvc been nlao erected nt nll Rnil11•ny Stntions in the _Island. These
boltcanrc c\<:1\rc . l'"'"cngor& 0111111 trnins mny post letters io t he posting boxes provided for the put·
~ -
- •. . ,. , TllAIN I'OST OFFICES.
?.rraui'I'.O.i nrc roaintniw!d on the tiornugh tmiu~ hl'twccll l\!ont~I!O Bny nnd Port
J.a~io,·whc:re postngc ~tounp~, post-cards, and wrnppcrR mny he houj!ht, nml ldl'grnpb
'lOI'JIII obtalnNI:· · · ·
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