Page 7 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1919
P. 7

The Vere lrrigo.tion Commi!;t;ioncrs nre:-
A. W. Fnrquho.rson. Chnirmnn; C. Lopcz. H11ycs; 1-ionel del\Icrc!ldo, I\ingston; C.
Wntson, Thycs; All red l'a""~~y. Kingston; nnd the Secretary is C. 0. Magn11n.
Lis; of Offir.i t~ls ~:~ud other Pul>lic Functiorinries who hnve lJecn npproveu by His Ex-
cellenc.v to Mend l1r&/ u~/ In Oflicil\l Corrcspo111lence thronc:h the Post free of chMge.
Conl:roller uf t he Jmnnicn. CiYil Scn·ice \Yidows nnu Orphans' l'cnsions; Inmo.tcs ol the
Lepers' Home; Secr<:tnry hmnicn Agricultural Society;• Travelling Instructors ol the
Bo:ml of :\griculture, H~nd lll:lster of the I\inj!ston T echnical and Continuation
School, Rio Cobrc Irri;:nlion :\ Sccrl'tnry. ;"\lr. G. G . Flzmin~.
Letters headed "lnfPcl.ious Di!IC:ISCS Notificntiun " bearing the t~!gnnture or the Medi-
cnl Prii.Ctitioncr and nddres~ed tll 11 Medical Otikc:r ol Health or the Central Board
of Trcmlt.h, or:\ Lc1c.:nl Bo:ml ,,r llc:.~l th, are ·ulmit.tctl fr<'c llf postn,::c.
l'udwt.s :uiJrcs,;cd t.o i\l1·s. ll•111nw, 1\lc:clit·:d Ollict;, Kiii~HI.on, nrc tn be nllowcd
throuc:h the Pel, "0. H.M.S. h-
rnnic:~ Cuntint::~nt Gifts" nnd bc:~rin~ i\lrs. Bourn~·~ sit:n:\l.ure. ·
l':~n:c:!s t:"ntaiuiu:.; ;.:if t~ ur m:: t.·~ial iur m:~kb;.: t::ft~ f,•r thr:- nritish !llue Cross fund
nrc ndmitlctl free th~u;~ OwM. EsfJ., 1\in.:;ston nutl r.le:~rly marked" For l.lritish nine Cross fuuu" as W name :wcl:~d cl r~~s of 1.\u: ~:·uclr.r.
J,c·t.f.c•rR f•>r t.hc: tc::·hui:·al ollic•:rl' of the Dt:f•~rtnJ~:nL ••f Ac:ri"olt.11rr., "cnrc of the
Director of A:;ricul Lure'' :m• ddh·~rcd ircc. viz.: ()qmt.y l~butl Chemist, Microl>iologist.
Entomologist, ,.et.crin:~ry Sur{:con, Headmn.stcr Farm S~hool, SuperintE-ndent Experi-
mental Station nm.llusprctor oi !'!an~ Diseases.
Electccl m•·rnbcrs of the;i~lat.h·e Cuuucil han the !l•id<'t;t' of [;aaking lctt~rs re-
lo.tin)% to public businl's~ whir.h the.'· mo.y wri t~ in their mbers of
the Counc.;il S.THl s::ndint: th·~m t.hrou!!h thtl ptl~L rr~c of ~f)~t. \·heir ~i~~nn.ture and title
to be pbc•.:<.lon the can·lu11e. Lctt~rs to Eh:r.t•·u ::lfcmlJcrs will not be s1;;·charged.
Letters from i\Ir. Lcwi$ Ashenh~im in conn~rtion -;;ith "Hed Cro~s ~ociety Business"
M<.' mlmittl'd free, ns wcH :t< rl'plit•s t.o t.hc Rnmc. The: rnn•luprs in cnc·h ~~~~c nrc to be
IMrkl!d " ltNl Cro!tS ~o~·~~~· Bu~incss" or " Jtlfil:'lic:~ P:1Lriotie Sl:\ml> Lc:~suc" nnd
must lwnr :\I r. Ashenlwi:n's ·~i::n:~ture.
L('ttcr~ nntl pnrl' A~s•>ciat.ion" :m: admitt"d fret:.
:i\lrs. ,\.E. Briscoc oi i\lontp~lir.r i~ nnthtlriscd to s~ud free o! posta~c '-rool to lJe
knitted into !l!lc:ks for soldit:rs 1\li'J to rccei\'e parcel~ free containing socks for soldiers.
l\lrs. G . !\!. Clnuvill~. l\(iiP. Gully P.O., is authr•riscd !o Sl)ntl nnd t.o receive parcels
on)_,. thrnn::ll n ... pu,;l fn.~· ui ch~r;::::.
St. F:~ith's (1uild, !"~,·-b-"lM, h~s the J>rivii<.'J;e d free hhnclp:•sl •!!e on let.ter$ and
p:trtC!Ir. on c••:acl itint~ th:~ t ::uch let.ter!' bc:~r her , ;;:nnlme
RILIC$ rrgardi•tg FlUNKING "f Official Corrcspoudcncc.
1. The C)ll\'c:I"P" or cU\·cr of Uw ufiici:Lilc:LLt:r or othc:r p:u:lwt may lie "fr:~nl;cu" uudcr
nuthority of !lis Excellency the GO\·crnor in eit.ltcr of the followinp: ways:-
(~) 13:: the impr~ssion cJi :m ~rpruvcd "offiri:\1 fr:mk stlmp."
(h) Hy !.111• ~i::naLurc: :uocl ufiidnl cl c~i!!tc:ltinn nf l.ltc: lTo·:ul nf the: Dcp:trtment,
or <>thcr tluly uuthuris<·tl ollicer or functionary, on lhc lo~t·cr lt•ft hund corner
of the enYclopc or co,·er.
The en \'<'IOptlor covcr must be superscribed with the 1vord~ "On I I is l\l:ljc~ty 's Service."
2. Th<> en,·cl(lpe or ro,•cr must be atldrcsscu to t.!1~ hc:~u of t.l1(' department or t.o a
puhlic officer or functionary whl' is t>ntitlcd by the authority of H is Excellency th~ Gover-
nor to receive official correspondence free of char~c for p'lSt.1ge.
• Thr. So<":ret:'Lr~· to the Atricultu~:t.l Suciot}' ic;; ::uat.hori~~tl to i M\H, tu\volopcs or cltber covering!
fr:~.nkc1l :ut,J mnrkwl .. O.H.M.S." nnd :uldn.~~ecl to him!'•M n~ S~·crtll.ary nr the S~.>eiuty. so as to
enable mcmb~rs o( it.~ Oo:utl or Man:'l.::rmcnt t.o raply r,o him without p~yin~ t•OAtag:c. He is also to i~:tuo cnvc1opc.t. simil:uly rr::mltcd :\net nHJ'H~~r~erihcd. to pcr~on,:; rceei vin~ money !rom
the Society I or pri•~. &o .. to ennbla ~tciJlL' to be lurui•lccd without pnymcnt of Post>s:e.
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