Page 10 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1919
P. 10
The commisRions on lllonc\' Oruers drni'I'D on the Unilcu Kingdom, P:10nma, Costa.
Rica nncl the Cc\yman hbnds nre ~5 under:-

For any sum not exceeding £2 Os. 9i.
Ahovc £2 nml not cxce~. " 5 " " 7 2 3
7 " " 10 3 0
and iicl. for each mdditional £1 or fmctional part thereof.

The commissions on i\Ionr~· Orders clral'l'n on the United St.nte~ of America, Canada
Canal Zonl' :111d Philippine lslnnds, :~re Id. in advnucc uf currcnt.IJauk
Tbe commissions on l\lonrr Orders clrnl'l'n on Bnrhnclos, l3ril.ish Gninnn., the Wind-
ward Tsl:lllds. the L~P~:nrd Isbnds, British Honclums, Bermuc!:~. Turks lslnnds a·1d
Trinidad arc as under:-
For any sum not exceeding £2 Os. Od.
1 o:
.\bo,·e £2 and not exceeding 5
" " i 6
7 " .I 10 2 0
and Cid. for ench additional £3 or ir:~ctionlll part thereof.
The limit :~mount. for :.'llonE'y Order~ clr.'l\\'D on Unit.crl Kin~tlom. Pn.nnmn. Co~ta Ricn,
Bn.rhatlo~. Briti~h Guijl,nn, the "'indwftrd !~lands. f.ll(' Leeward !~;1aocls, Hrit.ish Hond11ra.s,
Bcrmncln. Turl;l' l:~l:lncls. Triuida•.l .'llul C:\\'m:m l~hncls i~ £.10, aH of Amc:ricn. Cnuad:l, Cnual Zone nnd l'hiliJ;piuc l~lnuds . .:C20 10s. SU.. or $100.
No :lpplicnt.ion cnn be ent.crtnined for compensntion for nllcgcd iujury from the non-
pnyment of a i\loncy Order nl the cxpt'cted time. When n i\'lon<·y Order is applied
for iL must he nrc t.lw clear unolo!rst:11aliu:; lltnt uo such claim will he o.lluwctl. :1.111.! t.ho.t
the l'ust \lllicc~ is uot li:Llolr., under any <:ircumsLanc:<'3, t.o more: than one pn.ymcnt of a
Money Order. even when, notl'l'ifhs!.':ndin; the precautions that arc tnl;cn, the Order
hns been paid to Ill pers•>n not t'ntitlec! tu rccci\'C the money. Jtc-pnymcut to the Remit-
ter or a lllonu~· Ord~r r:muot he mnuc until the Chief Ollicc uf the Pnying Country has
been <:nmmunicatccl with: ancl :lpplicntions for re-pnymeut should be accompanied by
n sum equal to the oripi>lal commiosion ou the Order.
A Tlmm~h l'\'loncy OniC'r Exchnnr:c also cxisl..q hctwccn .J:trn:\icn. nnd cr.rlain l\ritisb
Colunics cuu! Forci~n Couutrirs ,·in the Fnitcd Kingdom. Sud1 'l'hrour;h 111oucy Orders
nre sni.tjc:cL on )ln.y.ment t.o n rl~dnr.tiou of two-p:·n~" ;.11' •>a~h .Cl wilio " minimum
chnr·~;c• uf folnr-p:·ncl'. The full unmc nml :tt.l Or Pn~·~~~· n ;'\)ono:~· Onlcr for t.l1<: 11'': ~mc>tllli payalth•, l.lw ;\loru•y Ortlc:r i~sut: Hcmill<.r bci u~: only of \'alue ~• '' l":ccipt fur t.h<:: amount p:l.iu :tllll slt rr.tnino:d hy the Rcmill LV:t nf JJriti.~h Colnni.c.•. Prnlr.r.lorniC$ an.f Po.~ial Aocncics obro Porcirtn C For ooumlolo IIRL of plar.~~ in which ?.ionr.y Ord~rs nrr. is. Unidc pp. i:H t.o 7:{1.
-.Me~: Al:~crin., Anli~nn, Art:~ntine Rcpublir, Au~t.rnli:~.. Ash l\Iinor, &c., Az~r;'S, P.a~dnd,
~. llo.rbn ·oalu4/Ut1Ullb Coutml Afrir.u, BritiRh C llri~.ltondufllll, llurmn, Cnund~. (Dominion of), (':nml 7-onc, C:u111in (C~.mlic) •. Cnpe
On1ot,Yl(lo.po,Y,t)l'do l~lrm~. Ccylon, Caynum l11l:md~. Chnlhncn lsbnds, Chrlc, Chmn:-
~~ ~.J)~:4\;:moiN, Jnp11ncso 1'.0. Agencies, Cook Jslnucls, Corca, Cost:J. Ric.l\, Cyprus,
... ·-r,e .. ·w .... ~ .. .
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